A Comparative Study of Student Engagement, Satisfaction, and Academic Success among International and American Students


  • Nadia Korobova Upper Iowa University, United States
  • Soko S. Starobin Iowa State University, United States




higher education, international students, student engagement


This study examines the relationship between student engagement, student satisfaction, and the academic success of international and American students using 2008 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) data. It was found that international students scored slightly higher than American students on enriching educational experiences and supportive campus environment/institutional emphases during their senior year benchmarks. Further, international and American students similarly evaluated their entire educational experience at this institution between good and excellent; however, American students evaluated it slightly higher than international students. Additionally, academic success measured by grades was between B+ and A- for both groups of students; however, international students evaluated it slightly higher than American students. Finally, it was found that the best predictors of satisfaction with the entire experience at this institution and academic success measured by grades were the five benchmarks of effective educational practice.

Author Biographies

  • Nadia Korobova, Upper Iowa University, United States

    NADIA KOROBOVA, PhD, is Assistant Vic-President for International Education at Upper Iowa University. Nadia’s interests are higher education, international education, educational leadership, and international students. 

  • Soko S. Starobin, Iowa State University, United States

    SOKO S. STAROBIN, PhD is as Associate professor, School of Education at Iowa State University. Soko’s interests are community college students, women and minorities in science and engineering, and data literacy in higher education. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Korobova, N., & Starobin, S. S. (2015). A Comparative Study of Student Engagement, Satisfaction, and Academic Success among International and American Students. Journal of International Students, 5(1), 72-85. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v5i1.444