A Facet Theory Model for Integrating Contextual and Personal Experiences of International Students


  • Paul M. W. Hackett Emerson College, United States




international students, student experience, facet theory approach, study abroad


The purpose of this article is to use a facet theory research approach to provide a clear, coherent, and integrated model of international students’ experiences based upon the findings of psychological research into students when studying abroad. In research that employs a facet theory approach events are classified in terms of their constituent parts or facets and the sub-elements of facets. The specification of facets serves to allow accumulative knowledge and theory construction. A model is proposed in the form of a mapping sentence with three background facets and four content facets. How the mapping sentence forms a flexible template for designing, conducting and analyzing research into international students’ experiences is discussed, as is the potential in using facet theory to develop a cumulative body of knowledge about this student group.

Author Biography

  • Paul M. W. Hackett, Emerson College, United States

    Professor Paul Hackett interests in facet theory date back over many years during which time he has conducted research using facet theory and mapping sentences in many substantive areas. He is author of many articles and books including Conservation and the Consumer: Understanding Environmental Concern (Routledge,1995), Fine Art and Perceptual Neuroscience: Field of Vision and the Painted Grid (Psychology Press. 2013) and Facet Theory and the Mapping Sentence: Developments in Use and Application (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) all of which report on research that employs facet theory. Paul has taught and conducted research at universities in the UK and the US and has PhDs in human psychology and fine art.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Hackett, P. M. W. (2014). A Facet Theory Model for Integrating Contextual and Personal Experiences of International Students. Journal of International Students, 4(2), 163-176. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v4i2.476