The Interplay between the International and European Dimension

A Case Study of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano




Europeanization, higher education, higher education institutions, institutional logics, internationalization, Politecnico di Milano


European higher education institutions (HEIs) interpret in a unique way external impulses that play a core role in implementing the international and European dimensions. These dimensions can both converge and diverge inside HEIs, leading to organizational changes. This study aims to investigate the interplay between international and European dimensions, focusing on the case of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano. Using the institutional logics’ perspective, this qualitative case study analyzes data collected from institutional documents and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that the international and European dimensions diverge because of their institutional logics. Moreover, the individuals are identified as pivotal for successfully incorporating these dimensions within HEIs. Furthermore, the findings show the transformative potential of the European dimension. This study offers researchers and practitioners a new perspective on internationalization and Europeanization, linking these processes to the organizational dynamics of HEIs.



Author Biography

  • Mattia Quinteri, Universität für Weiterbildung Krems

    Mattia Quinteri is an Italian higher education practitioner specialized in international relations, credential evaluation and higher arts education. His career profile includes roles in both the European and Asian higher education contexts, spanning public and private sector institutions. His research interests include artistic research, innovation in higher education, internationalization and Europeanization of higher education, and the European Universities Initiative. He is affiliated to Universität für Weiterbildung Krems and Tampere University (Finland) as an Erasmus Mundus student specialized in research and innovation in higher education.


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

The Interplay between the International and European Dimension: A Case Study of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. (2025). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(6), 22-27.