Exploring the Impact of War on International Community College Students from Ukraine: A Case Study from Toronto


  • Oleg Legusov Seneca Polytechnic
  • Oleksandr Antonenko Seneca Polytechnic




Community colleges, international students, mental stress, war in Ukraine


Since the full-scale war in Ukraine began in February 2022, many Ukrainians have migrated abroad. Canada, with its tradition of welcoming refugees and other displaced persons and its large Ukrainian community, has accepted thousands of Ukrainian migrants. After arriving in Canada, some decided to enroll in community colleges to improve their labor-market skills and to facilitate their transition to life in Canada. This empirical study draws on the psychological resilience theory and the social support theory to examine the challenges these students face, the coping mechanisms they use, and the support they receive from their colleges and Canadian society. The findings reveal that the participants experience stress, anxiety, helplessness, and isolation, owing to concerns about family members in Ukraine and difficulty adapting to a foreign environment. Financial worries also loom large because of their families’ loss of property and income, as well as their limited job opportunities in Canada.

Author Biographies

  • Oleg Legusov, Seneca Polytechnic

    Dr. Oleg Legusov is an international student advisor at Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology. He previously worked as an agency coordinator, guiding the activities of student recruitment agents in multiple regions of the world. His research interests include the experience of international community college graduates in host-country labor markets and equity, diversity, and inclusion in multicultural societies. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto - Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, a B.A. (econ.) from McGill University and an M.Ed. from Nipissing University (research on at-risk students) and studied Chinese culture and language at Beijing Language and Culture University.

  • Oleksandr Antonenko, Seneca Polytechnic

    Oleksandr Antonenko, MA, RCIC, is an international student immigration specialist at Seneca Polytechnic. He has substantial expertise in assisting international community college students with immigration matters and helping them to adapt and integrate into life in Canada. Before relocating to Canada, Oleksandr worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Committee of the Red Cross Society in his home country, Ukraine. He holds an M.A. in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. His research endeavors revolve around analyzing the experiences of Ukrainian refugees who have fled from the War and developing support programs to aid their adjustment to their new country.


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16(3)2024 Special Issue - Guest Editor: Aliya Kuzhabekova

How to Cite

Exploring the Impact of War on International Community College Students from Ukraine: A Case Study from Toronto. (2024). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(3), 24-38. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v16i3.6250