Qualitative Content Analysis for Enhancing Intercultural Sensitivity in Cross-Cultural Management


  • Xin Li Mahidol University
  • Panchit Longpradit Mahidol University




Intercultural sensitivity, intercultural competence, cross-cultural management, qualitative content analysis, guideline


This article presents the intercultural sensitivity improvement in cross-cultural management by qualitative content analysis, by collecting journals published during the year 2015-2020, to sort out the contents of cross-cultural management in the area of intercultural sensitivity of intercultural education. Findings indicate that six categories with thirteen sub-categories of collected materials, which consisted of teaching pedagogies (formal, non-formal, and informal education), symptoms of negative feelings, reasons of negative feelings (self and others), motivations, solutions (self and agencies), and results of solutions. The guideline proposed emphasizes for the process based on these findings, suggests management to assess teaching environments, recognize and approve students’ requirements, narrow cultural gaps, and judge the final objectives fulfillments. With this discovery, future literature reviews can utilize it as reference in the field of cross-cultural management.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Qualitative Content Analysis for Enhancing Intercultural Sensitivity in Cross-Cultural Management. (2024). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v16i1.4977