The Jacks of all Hats: Role Complexity, Ambiguity, and the Experiences of Short-Term Study Abroad Faculty




study abroad, intercultural development, role theory, faculty, higher education


This study explores the experiences of short-term study abroad faculty at a liberal arts university in the Midwestern United States. We distributed a qualitative survey to all faculty who taught short-term study abroad courses at the institution; interviewed four short-term study abroad leaders, two short-term study abroad co-leaders, and reviewed the practices and history of the institution’s study abroad office. Study participants’ experiences were consistent with role complexity and ambiguity. Role-related challenges included preparing for the program and for reentry, managing the academic side of the course, monitoring students’ and faculty members’ physical and mental health, and facilitating group dynamics. Perceived benefits included cultural enrichment, professional growth, and the ability to enhance students’ lives. Our study suggests that short-term study abroad faculty need support and professional development to prepare for their multifaceted and complex duties. 

Author Biographies

  • Kayli Elaine Burnside, Drake University

    Kayli Elaine Burnside received her B.A. in Business Administration and Financial Services at AIB College of Business and her M.Ed. in Leadership Development and Higher Education from Drake University. She is currently a doctoral student in the PhD program at Drake University. Her research interests focus on study abroad and intercultural development in higher education. 

  • Cristina M. Wildermuth, Barry University

    Cris Wildermuth, Ed.D. is an Associate Professor of Education and Director of Barry University’s Bachelor’s of Science in Organizational Leadership. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dr. Wildermuth has traveled extensively, facilitating leadership development programs in Europe and Latin America. She has also led various travel seminars in Brazil, Spain, and Morocco. Dr. Wildermuth is the author of the book Diversity Training, published by the Association for Talent Development, and has published in various academic journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, the Journal of Academic Ethics, the Journal of Leadership Education, and the Journal of Psychological Issues In Organizational Culture.

  • Maria T. Rohach, Drake University

    Maria Rohach received her B.A. in Political Science and Cultural Anthropology from Central College and her M.Ed. in International Higher Education from Loyola University Chicago. She is the director of education abroad at Drake University. Her research interests focus on study abroad and intercultural learning and development.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

The Jacks of all Hats: Role Complexity, Ambiguity, and the Experiences of Short-Term Study Abroad Faculty . (2024). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(3), 178-194.