Hitting the Ground Running: Helping International Postgraduate Students to Succeed in Higher Education


  • Maureen Rhoden Dr
  • Francia Kinchington




Postgraduate international students, academic integrity, culture shock, academic integrity violations, plagiarism


This essay examines potential barriers to the academic success of international master’s students studying in higher education in the UK and identifies key elements that draw together university policy and culture and classroom practice to enable this group of students to ‘hit the ground running’. These barriers are viewed through the lens of academic shock and academic integrity. Key themes are discussed including the importance of factors such as language barriers, misunderstandings, and anxiety, as well as the importance of providing clear definitions of what constitutes academic integrity violations in UK universities. The timeframe of one academic year, in which full-time international master’s students are required to acquire new knowledge and skills often impedes the successful completion of early assignments set during their first term. Solutions for addressing these barriers are proposed and aimed at supporting the achievement of international master’s students.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Hitting the Ground Running: Helping International Postgraduate Students to Succeed in Higher Education. (2024). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v16i1.4886