Transformative International Partnership during Global Challenges: A case study of a public research university in China during the pandemic


  • Ling LeBeau Syracuse University



International partnership, internationalization, sustainability, transformative


Developing and implementing impactful international partnerships was the top priority for higher education institutions prior to the pandemic breakout. The pandemic forced higher education to change and act quickly to avoid international enrollment crash and spurred some unprecedented international collaborations. This case study examines an unconventional international cooperation that a public research university in China initiated for providing a college learning environment for Chinese students enrolled in other countries during the global challenge. This study responds to the call for how to build sustainable internationalization. The research findings contribute to the development of a new paradigm of internationalization and creative internationalization for the future of new normal.

Author Biography

  • Ling LeBeau, Syracuse University

    Ling LeBeau is Associate Director of International Student Success at Syracuse University. She is a scholar practitioner with years of experiences in teaching, research, and administration. Her IE experiences ranging from teaching, ISSS advising, directing study abroad, developing international partnerships, to leading campus internationalization. LeBeau serves on leadership committees of AIEA and NAFSA and publishes on international higher education. Ling holds a PhD in Higher Education and MS in Language Education from Indiana University Bloomington.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Transformative International Partnership during Global Challenges: A case study of a public research university in China during the pandemic . (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(3b).