Developing the Content of an Online Support System for International Students Using a Participatory Designer Approach




International students, online support, online orientation, cultural adjustment, social adjustment, social support, acculturation


The aim of this study was to develop, with the participation of international students, the content of an online system that these students could use in the process of acculturation and adapting to a new environment. The action research with participatory design approach was selected as the research model from among the qualitative research methods and was implemented. Within the scope of the study, the topics that the students were interested with regard to Turkish culture, problems of adaptation to the Turkish culture and environment, and their expectations of the content of the online system to be developed were determined. These data were used to determine the main content heading of the online system. Later, the content development activities of the online system were carried out with the active participation of 18 international students.

Author Biography

  • Suzan Duygu Erişti, Department of Fine Arts Education, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey

    Suzan Duygu Erişti is a Professor at Anadolu University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education. Erişti completed his Ph.D. at Anadolu University and his undergraduate studies at Ondokuz Mayıs University. His work focuses specifically on art-based research methods, visual research methods, a/r/tography, technology-oriented arts education, multicultural arts education, graphic design, interactive instructional design and digital gamification and storytelling. Suzan Duygu Erişti, who aims to reflect an international perspective to both her work and research, has exhibitions, researches and projects at national and international level. Erişti received the Visual Arts Educator of the Year Award in 2016 based on her academic studies and contributions to the field.


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How to Cite

Developing the Content of an Online Support System for International Students Using a Participatory Designer Approach. (2023). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 15(2), 94-114.