“The Entrepreneurial University:”

A Catalyst for the Redevelopment of the Azerbaijani Higher Education System


  • Bernhard Thomas Streitwieser George Washington University
  • Jasarat Valehov Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan




Entrepreneurial university, knowledge economy, university-business partnership, post-Soviet, higher education


The notion of the “Entrepreneurial University” refers to a type of educational institution that enhances university-industry cooperation, applies innovative learning methods, and promotes multidisciplinary approaches. This article explores new challenges that Azerbaijani universities have faced as part of the Azerbaijani higher education transformation in the post-Soviet period. The research investigated the experiences of Western-style universities that have been building relationships with Western partners with substantial leadership experience in university innovation and, specifically, in establishing entrepreneurial universities. This paper argues that Azerbaijan's transition to a knowledge economy will require a substantive transformation of the country’s higher education system and, as such, must develop the entrepreneurial university model that has been embraced as an effective response to the challenges of our time by some U.S. universities.

Author Biography

  • Jasarat Valehov, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

    Jasarat Valehov
    Jasarat Valehov is an associate professor at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and head of division at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. His research investigates new trends in the university ecosystem by focusing on the role of entrepreneurial universities in the formation of the knowledge economy. Before working at SPU, Jasarat Valehov has held teaching and research scholar positions at Baku Engineering University, Azerbaijan, and at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University, USA. He has published one book and authored more than 20 articles. He contributed to the recent book,"Tackling Online Education" with his chapter on "The COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and opportunity in Azerbaijan education system." The book was published this year by Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

“The Entrepreneurial University:” : A Catalyst for the Redevelopment of the Azerbaijani Higher Education System. (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v14i2.4309