Racial Microaggressions Experiences Among International Students in Australia and its Impact on Stress and Psychological Wellbeing




racial microaggressions, international students, racism, REMS, microaggressions in Australia, stress, psychological wellbeing


International students are underrepresented in Australian health literature, and this population is especially vulnerable to the well-documented negative impacts associated with racial microaggressions in their adjustment to settling in the new society, as well as to the many challenges they already face as international students. This study investigated the prevalence of racial microaggressions among international students and its impact on stress and psychological wellbeing. This research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic which has been documented to contribute to anti-Asian racism. Participants included 54 international students, of which 72% were Asian. The Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions Scale (REMS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Perceived General Wellbeing Indicator (PGWBI) were used to measure the participants’ responses. All participants reported experiencing racial microaggression in the last six months, and significant correlations and regression models were found between REMS, certain elements of the PSS scale and time in Australia. Despite the small sample size, this research corroborated outcomes from recent studies and provided insight into the prevalence and impact of racial microaggressions among such populations, highlighting the need for further exploration.



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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Racial Microaggressions Experiences Among International Students in Australia and its Impact on Stress and Psychological Wellbeing: RACIAL MICROAGGRESSIONS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS . (2023). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 15(1). https://ojed.org/jcihe/article/view/4264