Buffering or Perpetuating? — Exploring The Role of Academic Institutions in Chinese International Doctoral Students’ Double Pandemic Experience in The United States





Chinese international doctoral students, systemic, anti-Asian racism, social-political environment


This study adopted a systemic perspective to examine the perceived role of academic institutions in responding to Chinese international doctoral students (CIDS) double pandemic experiences. A hermeneutic phenomenological approach was utilized to guide the research process. The results showed the interlocking relations regarding how individual academic experiences interacted with the social-political-institutional environment during this time of crisis. The discussions highlight the systemic influences on CIDS` experiences. The theoretical and practical implications were included in order to inform systemic interventions.



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Summer 2022 Special Edition

How to Cite

Buffering or Perpetuating? — Exploring The Role of Academic Institutions in Chinese International Doctoral Students’ Double Pandemic Experience in The United States. (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(3a). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v14i3a.4244