Internationalization Experiences of Universities in the United States and in Turkey




higher education, internationalization, Turkey, U.S., phenomenological research design


This paper offers an analysis of key stakeholders’ internationalization experiences in a selection of three leading universities in the United States and three in Turkey. We used phenomenological research methodology to understand the mechanisms behind internationalization in each setting, and a research design that allowed us to engage in a detailed analysis of the decisions made by some of the key university figures in each country. The findings will be useful for higher education institutions that seek to better understand the myriad ways that internationalization goals can become operationalized, and the impact of particular goals and strategies in two contrasting settings. By illustrating one way that internationalization as a broad trend becomes implemented in local contexts and filtered down for use in six distinct institutions, this paper adds a new intercultural perspective to the existing literature.  

Author Biography

  • Gülşah Taşçı, Istanbul 29 Mayis University

    Assistant Professor Gülşah Taşçı, is an in Istanbul 29 Mayis University, Turkey. Also, she is Director of International Office. Taşçı earned her PhD in Educational Administration from Marmara University in Turkey. She was visiting scholar (2017-2018) at George Washington University, Washington DC, U.S. Also, Taşçı attended the Women Leadership Program, Cornell University 2018, New York, USA. Her research brings critical and comparative perspectives to the study and practice of internationalization, gender studies. 


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How to Cite

Internationalization Experiences of Universities in the United States and in Turkey . (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(4), 132–150.