Exploring the Disparity of Minority Women in Senior Leadership Positions in Higher Education in the United States and Peru
gender disparity, higher education administration, higher education leadership, indigenous women, leadership, minority women, Peru, United States, women leadersAbstract
In this essay, the author compares and contrasts accessibility to higher education senior leadership for women in the United States and Peru. This paper addresses the disparity and challenges of women in higher education senior leadership focusing on minority women such as indigenous and Afro-Peruvian women in Peru and women of color in the United States. The author further calls for empirical research on the character traits, career path, motivations, definitions of success, and challenges of women who serve in executive higher education leadership positions. This paper further contributes to the field of comparative and international higher education, both domestically and abroad, while addressing demographic challenges such as sex and race for women in and seeking higher education administrative leadership career goals.
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