Pharmacy Education in Emerging Health Care Systems

Clinical Training in the United Arab Emirates


  • Amad Al-Azzawi The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education



clinical training, policy borrowing, policy coupling


Fundamental global shifts in the professional scope of pharmacy practice have altered the pharmacists’ role from “drug-centered” to “patient-centered”. This shift has important implications for how pharmacy education is provided around the world, and has necessitated a significant increase in clinical training (CT). Canada and the United States have both added emphasis on CT in their pharmacy education programs, and their CT models have become a global model of good practice for educating future pharmacists. I want to answer important implementation-related questions: How have new pharmacists’ clinical training policies been implemented in the UAE? What are the major challenges, barriers to effective implementation? I will examine the UAE as a case study of policy borrowing, and will draw on the concept of decoupling, which examines the implementation and gap between policy and practice. I will use a case study approach to understand the power relations between the main actors influencing CT in the UAE.


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

Pharmacy Education in Emerging Health Care Systems: Clinical Training in the United Arab Emirates. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(6S1).