Pride and Prejudice

An Intersectional Look at Graduate Employability of Transgender and Queer International Students


  • Thuy Trang Le Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University
  • Nguyen Hoang Giang Le
  • Hoang Vuong Tran



transgender and queer, graduate employability, intersectionality, sexual orientation discrimination, recruitment discrimination, international students


The concept of graduate employability has gained great prominence in international education. However, there still exists a gap in sexual orientation discrimination in graduate employability among transgender and queer (TQ) international students. In our qualitative study investigating graduate employability of transgender and queer students graduating from Australian and Canadian institutions, we have interviewed 14 international graduates with transgender and queer identity regarding their perceptions of sexual orientation and recruitment discrimination at the workplaces. Utilizing intersectionality as a conceptual framework, we have studied employability-related problems that these marginalized students with their foreigner identities have experienced in the labor market. The findings will be around the social, cultural, and political impacts of Canadian and Australian working and recruitment environments on the varying extent of discrimination, namely local attitudes toward queer and transgender international graduates, the manifestation of antidiscrimination laws, and the extent to which employers value stereotypically male heterosexual personality traits.


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2021-02-05 — Updated on 2021-02-05




2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

Pride and Prejudice: An Intersectional Look at Graduate Employability of Transgender and Queer International Students. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(6S1).