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Understanding Employment Opportunities and Challenges Facing Lao Graduates from Chinese Universities


  • Soubin Sisavath National University of Laos



This study reveals that foreign-educated graduates are more competitive at home, but they seem more employable in a certain segment of the labor markets in which their host country is economically involved. A foreign degree itself is insufficient to ensure employment success unless it is supplemented by different soft skills, including foreign language skills. Graduates mostly experienced job mismatches and struggled with working conditions and adaptation to local practices. Consequently, they miss opportunities to use overseas-acquired knowledge and skills to make meaningful contributions to the development of their homeland. 


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

Understanding Employment Opportunities and Challenges Facing Lao Graduates from Chinese Universities. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(6S1).