Level of Academic Performance Among Faculty Members in the Context of Nepali Higher Educational Institution





academic performance, faculty member, intellectual capital, level, university


Academic performance is taken as the process of carrying out academic activities and discourses by faculty members to enhance their academic activities and discourses. The purpose of this research was to identify the faculty member's level of academic performance in higher educational institutions. To conduct this research, a quantitative methodology was employed. The tools to measure the academic performance of faculty members were developed using Delphi method. The data were collected with 445 sampled respondents from four universities. The factor analysis was used to explore the dimensions of academic performance. The factor analysis identified four factors of academic performance i.e., research and publication, innovation, interactive learning, and capacity building. To analyze the level of academic performance, mean and the standard deviation was used. It was found that individual differences and the organizational environment, culture, and technological infrastructure were crucial to influence the pace and level academic performance in academia.


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2021-05-05 — Updated on 2021-05-07




Empirical Article

How to Cite

Level of Academic Performance Among Faculty Members in the Context of Nepali Higher Educational Institution. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(2), 98-111. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v13i2.2450 (Original work published 2021)