Exploring STEM Undergraduate Self-Regulated Learning at a Vietnamese Transnational University


  • Christina W Yao
  • Trentee Bush
  • Courtney Collins
  • Minerva Tuliao
  • Kaleb L. Briscoe
  • Ngoc Lan Thi Dang




Vietnam, transnational education, STEM, self-regulated learning, undergraduate students


STEM education in Vietnam is prioritized, yet effective learning may be difficult for students attending transnational universities. The purpose of this study is to examine the self-regulated learning experiences of STEM undergraduate students attending a collaborative transnational university in Vietnam. Challenges included English language instruction and STEM-specific terminology. Despite barriers to their learning, students describe strategies for navigating their learning process. Strategies included extensive rereading of the material, using Google to look up new terms/ideas or to translate words, asking instructors for translation, and reviewing online resources. Implications for practice include instructors providing more detailed feedback and guidance and leveraging technology use for learning.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Exploring STEM Undergraduate Self-Regulated Learning at a Vietnamese Transnational University . (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(1), 6-21. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v13i1.2203