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Work-Integrated Learning for Mining Engineering Training and the Employability Nexus in Traditional Research Universities

A Case of Selected South Africa Universities


  • Paul Dipitso University of the Western Cape



 The world of work is increasingly demanding adaptable and flexible graduates who can adjust to the present work environment. Given this, universities are currently under pressure to produce graduates who can meet the demands of the ever-changing labour market.In this regard, it is worthwhile for universities to design a curriculum that emphasise the value of skills and competencies. This study has attempted to explore work-integrated learning theoretically and empirically as a pedagogically strategy that involves university-industry partnerships.  Underpinning this study was experiential learning theory developed by David Kolb.


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

Work-Integrated Learning for Mining Engineering Training and the Employability Nexus in Traditional Research Universities: A Case of Selected South Africa Universities. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(6S1).