Mission Statements of Japanese Civil Society Organizations Supporting International Students in the Kansai Area

Critical Discourse Analysis


  • Polina Ivanova Ritsumeikan University




civil society organizations (CSOs), critical discourse analysis (CDA), Japan, international students, mission statements


This study is applying critical discourse analysis (CDA) to mission statements of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Kansai area of Japan to examine how those texts may be reflecting their views on migration and impacting their practices related to international students. The analysis shows similarities across CSO types in choosing organizational names, using vague and bureaucratic vocabulary for formulating their mission statements, as well as confusing and contradictory style of some statements and event announcements that may be misleading or discouraging for potential members. At the same time, diversity of vocabulary referring to their target audience demonstrates shifting perspectives of CSOs on international students and more generally, on foreigners living in Japan. 


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2021-05-05 — Updated on 2021-05-07




Empirical Article

How to Cite

Mission Statements of Japanese Civil Society Organizations Supporting International Students in the Kansai Area: Critical Discourse Analysis. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(2), 38-52. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v13i2.1890 (Original work published 2021)