'I'll be there for you'-- Comparative Insights on First-Year Experience (FYE) Policies of Belonging in the 21st Century


  • Shelbee NguyenVoges St. Edward's University




belonging, 21st century international education, narrative, student success, first-year experience


In the last 40 years undergraduate enrollment across the United States has more than doubled, yet graduation rates remain practically unchanged (Complete College America 2012). Increased pressure placed on first-year experience as a policy and practice to carve a pathway with strategies for navigating higher education internationally is how institutions in the 21stcentury grapple with challenges of retaining, progressing, and graduating their students (Nutt and Calderon, 2009). Despite the availability of scholarship and pervasiveness of policy which include first-year experience (FYE) initiatives, or a multiplex of “intentional academic and co-curricular efforts within and across postsecondary institutions” to emphasize academic and social adjustment (Koch 2007, 23), higher education globally is somewhat divided on equitable, inclusive understandings, approaches, and implementation when it comes to placing imporance on social adjustment over academic skills in 21st century education contexts. 


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How to Cite

’I’ll be there for you’-- Comparative Insights on First-Year Experience (FYE) Policies of Belonging in the 21st Century . (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(Winter), 47-57. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v12iWinter.1886