The role of emotions in High School students’ scientific initiation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




Scientific Initiation, Sociology of Emotion, Social differences


The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation's Scientific Vocation Program (Provoc-Fiocruz) is a non-formal educational program for scientific initiation directed to High School students in Brazil since 1986, in the areas of Biological Sciences, Health, Human or Social Sciences. This research is qualitative  and it will be conducted semi-structured interviews with up to fifteen High School students and fifteen researchers-advisors from Provoc-Fiocruz, to understand the role of both students’ and advisors’ emotions in their knowledge socialization to develop scientific research. The data will be analyzed through content analysis and this research is grounded in the discipline of Sociology of Emotions and relate social markers differences such as gender, race and class in the construction of knowledge that result in academic and professional choices.


Author Biography

  • Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

    Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa is PhD in International / Intercultural Education and Public Health researcher at the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV) of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). She works as a Professor and Assistant Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Biosciences and Health at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (PGEBS/IOC) and coordinates the research group called Comparative Studies in Scientific Education.


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

The role of emotions in High School students’ scientific initiation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 11(Winter), 180-182.