A Language’s Demise Through a Curricular Evolution: A Preliminary Study


  • Ali Khalil Arkansas State University
  • Dr. Saleh Arkansas State University




This phenomenological research aims to identify and examine the impact of curricular changes on language preservation in Lebanon, Egypt, and Morocco. This preliminary qualitative study seeks to analyze any potential patterns that may exist among the curricular changes in the Arab nations; analyze the factors that led to these changes; and assess the impact of the current curricular design on the native language of Arabic. The rationale is to understand how curricular progressivism affected the native language of the people of the aforementioned Arab nations and assess the current status of Arabic. The study thoroughly examines the roles of colonization, globalization, antiquated teaching methods, outdated curricula, negative attitudes towards the language, curricular policies, and the numerous regional dialects in corroding the Arabic language in Lebanon, Egypt, and Morocco. 

Author Biographies

  • Ali Khalil, Arkansas State University

    Ali Khalil is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Educational Leadership at Arkansas State University. Khalil is also an assistant professor of English at the Community College of Rhode Island. He is an expert in teaching English as a second language; curriuclum and instruction; and higher education policy. 

  • Dr. Saleh, Arkansas State University

    Dr. Amany Saleh is a professor of education at the Department of Educational Leadership at Arkansas State University. She is an expert in the areas of curriculum and instruction; comparative education; and cross-cultural communication. She is also the editor of the  Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education.


Al-Hroub, Anies. 2019. (Associate Professor of Education, American University of Beirut), in discussion with the author. July.

Al-Jabry, Shadiah Abdullah. “Alarm Bells Over Future of Arabic Language.” The National. May 19, 2013. https://www.thenational.ae/uae/heritage/alarm-bells-over-future-of-arabic-language-1.653146.

Boujaoude, Saouma. 2019. (Professor of Education, American University of Beirut), in discussion with the author. July.






2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

A Language’s Demise Through a Curricular Evolution: A Preliminary Study. (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 11(Winter), 121-123. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v11iWinter.1521