Capabilities for media graduate employability: a case study of private higher education in South Africa


  • Fenella Somerville University of the Free State



employability; private higher education; capability approach; human development; media education


Unemployment is a significant concern in South Africa and employability has become increasingly central to the role of higher education. Government expects graduate labour to boost the economy, and students have aspirations for a better future. However, access to the workplace is often constrained by broader social, economic and political factors. This research sought to find out from media graduates about their experiences navigating the workplace, and to understand how private higher education enhances equitable opportunities for media graduate employability and well-being. In the rapidly changing world of digital technology, employment in the media is taking new forms that challenge how employability is defined and the attributes required of graduates.


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

Capabilities for media graduate employability: a case study of private higher education in South Africa. (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 11(Winter), 189-191.