Contribution of International Development Activities to Comprehensive Internationalization of U.S. Public Universities
Higher Education, International Development, Comprehensive Internationalization, GlobalizationAbstract
Globalization creates increasing interdependence between countries’ economic, political, and social processes leading to rise of global challenges and opportunities. Developed countries became important players in tackling the world's biggest issues. Governments traditionally turn to higher education institutions for their teaching, discovery, and outreach expertise to address global challanges. U.S. universities engage in a variety of international activities. However, role of international development activities of U.S. colleges and universities in their comprehensive internationalization has been lacking sufficient attention of scholars. This article investigated contribution of international development activities to comprehensive internationalization of U.S. public higher education institutions through analysis of qualitative data. The findings of the study demonstrate the contribution of international development activities to comprehensive internationalization efforts of public universities through advancement of their education, research, and service missions.
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