No Longer out of Reach: Blended Competency-Based College Models for Accelerating Higher Education for Refugee Students


  • Meagan Hoff Texas State University
  • Khaleel Shreet Southern New Hampshire University



refugees, higher education, competency-based education, academic support


Higher education offers a pathway to gain or recuperate professional credentials, particularly after experiencing forced displacement. Yet only 1% of refugees pursue postsecondary studies due, in part, to numerous obstacles on that path to college. The purpose of this study was to understand how a competency-based college program facilitates access to college for students from refugee backgrounds. This paper details the findings from a qualitative case study with refugee-background students enrolled in a college program that combines a competency-based model with in-person support. Using the ecological model of college readiness, we found that refugee students benefited from a combination of the project-based program format coupled with in-person support.

Author Biographies

  • Meagan Hoff, Texas State University

    Meagan A. Hoff, Texas State University

    Doctoral Student in Development Education

  • Khaleel Shreet, Southern New Hampshire University

    Khaleel Shreet, Southern New Hampshire University

    Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership; Senior Coach and Director of NH Program at Duet


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Winter 2020 Special Edition: Thriving in the Face of Adversity (Refugees)

How to Cite

No Longer out of Reach: Blended Competency-Based College Models for Accelerating Higher Education for Refugee Students. (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(Winter), 61-80.