Integrating international students in local (student) communities. A theory-to-practice perspective


  • Christof Van Mol



international students, international student mobility, study abroad, international student migration, integration


Over the past decade, the study of international student mobility and migration in higher education has become increasingly popular among scientists from different disciplines (see e.g. Pisarevskaya et al. 2019). As a consequence, studies from a range of different scientific fields have now covered a wide array of aspects related to the decision to go abroad, international students’ experiences abroad as well as the outcomes of students’ mobility experiences. This special issue particularly aims to contribute to our knowledge on the experiences of international students abroad, and more specifically their academic and social integration at the host institution and in the surrounding community.


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Pisarevskaya, Asya , Nathan Levy, Peter Scholten, and Joost Jansen. 2019. "Mapping Migration Studies. An empirical analysis of the coming of age of a research field." Migration Studies.
Poyrazli, Senel, and Marcos Damian Lopez. 2007. "An Exploratory Study of Perceived Discrimination and Homesickness: A Comparison of International Students and American Students." The Journal of Psychology 141 (3):263-280. doi: 10.3200/JRLP.141.3.263-280.
Smith, Rachel A, and Nigar G Khawaja. 2011. "A review of the acculturation experiences of international students." International Journal of Intercultural Relations 35 (6):699-713.
Song, Xianlin, and Greg McCarthy. 2018. "Governing Asian international students: the policy and practice of essentialising ‘critical thinking’." Globalisation, Societies and Education:1-13. doi: 10.1080/14767724.2017.1413978.
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Van Mol, Christof, and Joris Michielsen. 2015. "The Reconstruction of a Social Network Abroad. An Analysis of the Interaction Patterns of Erasmus Students." Mobilities 10 (3):423-444. doi: 10.1080/17450101.2013.874837.
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Zhou, Yuefang, Divya Jindal-Snape, Keith Topping, and John Todman. 2008. "Theoretical models of culture shock and adaptation in international students in higher education." Studies in Higher Education 33 (1):63-75. doi: 10.1080/03075070701794833.






Winter 2019 Special Edition

How to Cite

Integrating international students in local (student) communities. A theory-to-practice perspective. (2019). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 11(Winter), 14-17.