
Shaping a Humane World


  • Edward J. Valeau
  • Rosalind L. Raby


The book Humane World through Global Higher Education: Pre-Challenges and Post-Opportunities During a Pandemic responds to some of the conversations presented at the 2020 inaugural Virtual Star Scholar conference hosted by the University of Katmandu, Nepal. This conference aimed to bring together voices from worldwide to talk about what a Humane World will be in the post-COVID era. It is important to note that the meeting convened during the height of COVID-19, at a time hope was only a dream.

How to cite this chapter:

Valeau, E., & Raby, R. (2022). Introduction. In E. J. Valeau, R. L. Raby, & U. Gaulee (eds), Shaping a humane world through global higher education: Pre-challenges and post-opportunities during a pandemic (pp. 1-18). STAR Scholars.

Author Biographies

  • Edward J. Valeau

    Edward J. Valeau, Ed.D., Editor, is Superintendent/President Emeritus of Hartnell Community College District in Salinas, California, USA. He has more than 38 years of experience in Higher Education, including Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development, and Dean of Language Arts, Library, and Learning Resources. He has served as president and CEO of community colleges in California, as a member of the Board of American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) for four years, and Chaired its International Education Commission and Policy and Finance Commission. He is an American Council on Education Fellow, Fulbright Scholar, and recipient of the Prestigious Buttimer Award for Outstanding Leadership as a CEO from the Association of California Community College Administrators. He serves as an educational advisor to technology solutions companies in the United States and has worked with UNESCO on several scholarly projects related to the community college. He chaired the 2020 Stars Scholars Virtual Conference sponsored by Nepal Open University in Katmandu, Nepal, which attracted thousands of participants. He has published several chapters and books, and his most recent publication is entitled, A Practical Guide to Becoming a Community College President (Rutledge, 2021). E-mail:

  • Rosalind L. Raby

    Rosalind Raby, Ph.D., Co-Editor, is a Senior Lecturer at California State University, Northridge, in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department of the College of Education and is an affiliate faculty for the ELPS Ed.D. Community College program. She also serves as the Director 

    of California Colleges for International Education, a non-profit consortium with ninety-one California community colleges. Dr. Raby is the past-NAFSA Education Abroad Knowledge Community College chair for NAFSA and the past-NAFSA Region XII Community College Coordinator. Dr. Raby received her Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education from UCLA and, since 1984, has worked with community college faculty and administrators to help them internationalize their campuses. Dr. Raby has been publishing in community college internationalization since 1985. Her latest books on community college internationalization are International Education at Community Colleges: Themes, Practices, and Case Studies (Palgrave) and Handbook on Comparative Issues of Community Colleges and Global Counterparts (Springer).





Shaping a Humane World Through Global Higher Education (Published)

How to Cite

Introduction: Shaping a Humane World. (2022). Comparative & International Education Series, 1-18.