Media Psychology and the OnlineLearning Experience “Neurons thatfire together wire together”


  • Bernard Luskin


distance learning; online learning; personal development



Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience (Dewey). Understanding the physiology and the neuroscience of learning is a contribution to science. Psychology provides an understanding of the true nature of personal development and transformation and is essential in realizing human potential. Technology innovations continuously infuse changes in teaching and learning. This has been especially true since the COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated technology use. My purpose is to share insights into the changes and new developments in learning psychology, translate them into positive learning opportunities, and relate them to online and distance learning. 

How to cite in APA:

Luskin, B. (2022). Media psychology and the online learning experience “neurons that fire together wire together”. In E. J. Valeau, R. L. Raby, & U. Gaulee (eds), Shaping a humane world through global higher education: Pre-challenges and post-opportunities during a pandemic (pp. 47-52). STAR Scholars.

Author Biography

  • Bernard Luskin

    Bernard Luskin, MFT Wright Graduate University Dr. Bernard Luskin has had distinguished careers in commerce, education, entertainment, and psychology. University Business Magazine selected him as one who has had exceptional careers in teaching and corporate life. He is a licensed psychotherapist with Degrees in Business and a UCLA Doctorate in Education, Psychology, and Technology. Bernie Luskin has been president and CEO of significant Fortune 500 companies’ divisions, including Philips Interactive Media, PolyGram New Media, Philips Education and Reference Publishing, and Jones International, including Mind Extension University, Knowledge TV, and Jones Education Networks. Luskin has served as CEO of eight colleges and universities. He has authored bestsellers in economics, technology and education books, television series, and CDs. He is credited for working with Paramount Studios, inputting the first 50 movies on CD in MPEG format, leading to DVD. He served on the Accrediting Commission for Collegiate Schools of Business. He led the standards team that developed specifications for CDi and CD-ROM and worked on standards features of MPEG full-motion video and recordable CD. While president of Philips Interactive Media, he spearheaded breakthroughs in many areas in CD. This included the first Sesame Street CD, Grolier’s and Compton’s Encyclopedias, Golf, Art, Children’s, reference CDs, including games, and the first interactive movie on CD, entitled Voyeur. Hi is President Emeritus, Society for Media Psychology and Technology of the American Psychological Association. E-mail:





Shaping a Humane World Through Global Higher Education (Published)

How to Cite

Media Psychology and the OnlineLearning Experience “Neurons thatfire together wire together”. (2022). Comparative & International Education Series, 47-52.