Pedagogical Implications of Covid-19
A Case Study of What Faculty Learned about Teaching Well by Teaching Remotely During the Covid-19 Pandemic
On January 30, 2020, Duke Learning Innovation (DLI) began the Keep Teaching Initiative to assist Duke Kunshan University, and later Duke University, faculty through the transition to remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the process, DLI heard about the challenges faculty faced, but also their success stories. For many faculty members, remote instruction gave them an opportunity to be more experimental in their pedagogy and try new ways of engaging students, leading them to adopt new approaches to campus-based teaching. In this case study, we conducted semistructured interviews of Duke and Duke Kunshan faculty to understand how they transformed their teaching as a result of their remote teaching experiences. We describe the themes that emerged around flexible pedagogy and student engagement strategies. We also highlight implications for policy and practices that improve student learning outcomes and support more flexible pedagogy to create more resilient learning environments in the future.
How to cite:
Manturuk, K., & Reavis, G. (2022). Pedagogical implications of COVID-19: A case study of what faculty learned about teaching well by teaching remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. In J. S. McKeown, K. Bista, & R. Y. Chan (Eds.), Global higher education during COVID-19: Policy, society, and technology (pp. 154-166). STAR Scholars.