Exploring the Experiences of Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representatives in the Barangay Level, Philippines


  • Shivanee A. Dolo Saint Louis University, Phillipines https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3033-3116
  • Codi Nicole N. Uy Saint Louis University, Phillipines
  • Jefferson M. Agdaca Saint Louis University, Phillipines
  • Lucky Alleiah P. Vicenio Saint Louis University, Phillipines
  • Honey Jane Valera Saint Louis University, Phillipines




Indigenous Peoples, Descriptive Representationn, Substantive Representation


This phenomenological study aims to explore the experiences of six Indigenous Peoples’ Mandatory Representatives in Baguio City, Philippines. Using a semi-structured interview, this study found that the participants fulfil descriptive representation through the mirroring of their constituents’ ethnolinguistic identities and political practices.  However, the participants are only able to attain a limited form of substantive representation by aligning their proposed ordinances with existing local and national legislation, and their insertion of Indigenous Peoples’ interests in the local legislative agenda. Institutional difficulties and lack of community engagement hinder the participants’ performance of their representation tasks. Overall, this paper discusses the difficulties of enacting responsive ordinances despite the presence of Indigenous Peoples’ Mandatory Representatives.

Author Biographies

  • Shivanee A. Dolo, Saint Louis University, Phillipines

    SHIVANEE A. DOLO, PhD, is a faculty of the Department of Political and Social Sciences,Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines.Email: sadolo@slu.edu.ph.

  • Codi Nicole N. Uy, Saint Louis University, Phillipines

    CODI NICOLE N. UY is a fourth-year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science at Saint Louis University. In the academic realm, she has exemplified a keen interest in exploring the intricacies of societal structures and political governance.

  • Jefferson M. Agdaca, Saint Louis University, Phillipines

    JEFFERSON M. AGDACA is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at Saint Louis University, Baguio City.

  • Lucky Alleiah P. Vicenio, Saint Louis University, Phillipines

    LUCKY ALLEIAH P. VICENIO is a current student taking up a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science degree at Saint Louis University in Baguio City, Benguet.

  • Honey Jane Valera, Saint Louis University, Phillipines

    HONEY JANE VALERA is currently a senior at Saint Louis University majoring in Political Science. She is interested in the intersection between politics and sociology. Her inclination toward the intersection fuels her desire in the field of research.


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How to Cite

Exploring the Experiences of Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representatives in the Barangay Level, Philippines. (2024). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v8i1.6345