Latinx Students' Postsecondary Decision-making: Higher Education Aspirations Amidst Macroeconomic Realities
postsecondary choice, college choice, educational attainment, Latinx studentsAbstract
Latinx students, particularly those who are first-generation college students and/or from low-income backgrounds, are disproportionately underrepresented in higher education in the United States. This study explores factors affecting Latinx students’ postsecondary pathways and college decision-making, drawing from 22 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with seniors and alumni from a majority-Latinx California high school. Amidst unprecedented student debt rates, higher education investments can pose financial risks. The students profiled aim to make choices that will lessen the financial burden of higher education, showing an awareness of larger macroeconomic contexts while simultaneously not compromising on fulfilling higher education aspirations.
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