We Just Leave It as "Other”: Undocumented Student Policy and Practice in Hispanic-Serving Institutions





undocumented, HSIs, EHSIs, policy, practice


This pilot study uses a mixed-method convergent design to explore what formal policy and informal practices exist at Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) and emerging Hispanic-serving institutions (eHSIs) in states with restrictive, ambiguous, or no undocumented student legislation.  These policies and practices can be used to increase equity access in a biased political environment.  Data was collected in two phases.  Student-facing staff and administration at HSIs and eHSIs in states with restrictive/ambiguous or no policies completed a mixed-methods survey.  Individuals could then choose to participate in a semi-structured interview.  Initial results reveal that formal policies are limited to clarifying federal or state legislation.  In contrast, informal practices provide ways to provide information and support, professional development, or ways to manage student disclosure of status.  Of special interest are “don’t ask, don’t tell” practices that exist when a student’s status is disclosed and the number of respondents who believe no undocumented students are enrolled at their institution.  Recommendations include policy and professional development considerations.   

Author Biographies

  • Julie Stuckey, Purdue University, USA

    JULIE L. STUCKEY, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in Special Education at Purdue University. Her research focuses on how policy can be used to decrease access and limit student opportunities. She is a passionate educator focusing on special education law and creating future teachers who can advocate effectively for diverse students and parents. 

  • Lisa Lambert Snodgrass, Purdue University, USA

    LISA LAMBERT SNODGRASS, Ph.D., is at the Department of Educational Studies, Purdue University. She is the Director of the Higher Education PhD and MSEd programs. Dr. Lambert Snodgrass’s research centers on the cultural dimensions of student, faculty, & staff experiences in PK-22 settings. Her research as a faculty fellow for Purdue Policy Research Institute explores the role of higher education systems in addressing equity-related wicked problems, specifically emerging technologies. 


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