Exploring the Pandemic’s Impacts on Latinx Students’ Learning





Latinx college students, COVID-19, online and remote learning, mental health


Through inductive thematic analysis of focus group data conducted during the Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 semesters within courses focused on the Latinx community, this study illustrates the challenging impacts of COVID-19 and online learning on Latinx students at a predominately White institution during the pandemic. It underscores their concerns regarding access to essential educational resources, especially online learning tools, mental health support, and building connections with peers and the campus community. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the Latinx student experience to inform educational policies and pedagogical practices, particularly in the context of post-pandemic online and remote learning, aiming to address their unique challenges effectively.

Author Biographies

  • Michael Hendricks, Illinois State University, USA

    MICHAEL HENDRICKS PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Department of Politics and Government at Illinois State University. His primary research interests lie in the areas of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access for university students in marginalized groups. Email: mshend1@ilstu.edu

  • Jordan A. Arellanes, Illinois State University, USA

    JORDAN A. ARELLANES is an Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology at Illinois State University. His research focuses on the inclusion of Latino students into the educational system and fatherhood. He is the Chair-Elect of Family Policy for the National Council on Family Relations. He can be reached at jaarell@ilstu.edu.

  • Chang Su-Russell, Illinois State University, USA

    CHANG SU-RUSSELL (Ph.D. CFLE) is an Associate Professor and the Program Coordinator of Human Development and Family Science in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Illinois State University.Currently, she is the Chair of Asian/Asian American Families focus group and the Communication Specialist at the Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Families section at her professional organization-National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). She can be reached at csuruss@ilstu.edu.

  • Nur E Jannat Moon, University of Connecticut, USA

    NUR E JANNAT MOON is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Connecticut. Email: nmoon@uconn.edu 

  • Shania Vasquez, Illinois State University, USA

    SHANIA L. VASQUEZ is a dedicated therapist at Creative Healing Art Therapy, PLLC, with a Master's degree in Clinical-Counseling Psychology from Illinois State University. Email: shaniacreativehealing@gmail.com



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