Latinx College Students in a PWI: Perceptions of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA), Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, and Access to Mentorship


  • Chang Su-Russell Illinois State University, USA
  • Michael Hendricks Illinois State University, USA
  • Jordan A. Arellanes Illinois State University, USA



basic psychological needs, first-generation, inclusion, diversity, equity, access, Latinx


Latinx students’ college enrollment has dramatically increased. However, Latinx students in predominantly White institutions (PWIs) still face challenges given the racial disparities in inclusion, diversity, equity, access (IDEA), and psychological wellbeing (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). In addition, first-generation college students (students whose parents did not receive a four-year US bachelor’s degree) also encounter challenges given the lack of institutional knowledge compared to their non-first-generation peers (students whose parents have at least one US bachelor’s degree from a four-year higher education institution). The current study elicited responses from 404 students. Results showed that Latinx and first-generation college students reported lower perceptions of IDEA and a lower sense of basic psychological needs satisfaction than their White and non-first-generation peers. Practical and policy implications are provided for higher education administrators, faculty, and staff when working with Latinx and first-generation students. Results indicated the urgent need to respond to basic psychological needs among Latinx students and first-generation college students through policy-making and prioritizing student events to support Latinx students’ academic and social activities.

Author Biographies

  • Chang Su-Russell, Illinois State University, USA

    CHANG SU-RUSSELL (Ph.D. CFLE) is an Associate Professor and the Program Coordinator of Human Development and Family Science in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Illinois State University. Her research focuses on parents’ decision-making process in the socialization of young children when encountering challenging social topics (death, loss, race, different types of families, etc.) She has regularly collaborated with undergraduate and graduate students on research projects for presentations at the international and national conferences and for publications. Currently, she is the Chair of Asian/Asian American Families focus group and the Communication Specialist at the Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Families section at her professional organization-National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Email:

  • Michael Hendricks, Illinois State University, USA

    MICHAEL HENDRICKS, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Department of Politics and Government at Illinois State University. His primary research interests lie in the areas of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access for university students in marginalized groups. Email:

  • Jordan A. Arellanes, Illinois State University, USA

    JORDAN A. ARELLANES is an Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology at Illinois State University. His research focuses on the inclusion of Latino students into the educational system and fatherhood. Dr. Arellanes is committed to developing community-based interventions centered around practical implications to improve how individuals and families are included in larger systems. He is the Chair-Elect of Family Policy for the National Council on Family Relations. He can be reached at


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