The Pedagogy of Carter G. Woodson as a Humanizing Approach to Maximizing Possibilities for Black Boys and Black Young Men


  • Terrance Joshua Lewis Auburn University, USA



Black Education, Racially Responsive Teaching, Black Boys, Carter Godwin Woodson


Many teachers struggle to meet the needs of Black boys. While much of the discourse regarding potential solutions include recruiting Black teachers, specifically Black men, very little discourse centers on the pedagogical practices Black teachers employ inside and outside of the classroom. The Woodsonian Conceptual Framework for Humanizing Pedagogy advanced in this essay emphasizes critical self-reflection to challenge dominant narratives about students who experience oppression and attempts to humanize teachers’ thinking and the pedagogical practices they enact inside and outside of classrooms. This essay concludes with a discussion and recommendations regarding how teachers can use this framework to foster spaces that equip all students with knowledge and skills they can use to disrupt oppressive societal structures.

Author Biography

  • Terrance Joshua Lewis, Auburn University, USA

    TERRANCE J. LEWIS, M.Ed. is a Provost Research Fellow and PhD candidate at Auburn University. His research interest includes studying with Black men teachers to explore their pedagogical practices and the extent to which they use those practices as activism for social change. Email: 



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How to Cite

The Pedagogy of Carter G. Woodson as a Humanizing Approach to Maximizing Possibilities for Black Boys and Black Young Men. (2023). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 7(2).