Addressing Gender Disparity Through International Higher Education: Use of Contextually Appropriate Global Policy Framework


  • Taiwo O. Soetan Dickinson State University, USA
  • David Hoa Khoa Nguyen Indiana University, Indianapolis



This article examines the globally important topic of gender disparity in higher education and how to, contextually address it by formulating and implementing an appropriate globally-recognized policy framework. Although gender equality is one of the seven Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, it is a known fact that globally, there is gender disparity that systemically limits or curtails the progress of the girl-child or women either in terms of their educational attainments or professional development. Several countries and international agencies continue to commit to eradicating gender disparity in their countries in particular and in the world in general. In spite of the efforts of the United Nations and international agencies, there is still a long way to go in achieving gender parity. This paper looks at the attainment of gender parity through the use of higher education to bring about a contextually appropriate framework that is global in its operation and implementation in the effort to eliminate gender disparity. This is an attempt to unleash the potential of marginalized people, particularly women, who have been curtailed for several decades because of their gender for the overall good of our global world.     

Author Biographies

  • Taiwo O. Soetan, Dickinson State University, USA

    TAIWO O. SOETAN, Ph.D., PMP, is an Assistant Professor of Business at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Dickinson State University, North Dakota, USA.  Email:

  • David Hoa Khoa Nguyen, Indiana University, Indianapolis

    DAVID HOA KHOA NGUYEN, JD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Urban Education Leadership and policy at Indiana University Indianapolis. Email:


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How to Cite

Addressing Gender Disparity Through International Higher Education: Use of Contextually Appropriate Global Policy Framework. (2023). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 7(2).