A Descriptive Quantitative Exploration of College Students of Promise During the COVID-19 Pandemic





COVID-19, at-risk students, higher education crises


The term Students of Promise is used for students considered to have a heightened risk status, which not only has a negative effect on students but also on the higher education institutions they attend. This quantitative study explored how the COVID-19 virus has impacted student populations at various US higher education institutions and to uncover what specific issues (financial, emotional, social) impacted students during this unprecedented time in light of student categories and student demographics.  This study found statistical significance in Students of Promise characteristics and presents data on the behaviors, activities, and tools necessary for success, concerns surrounding COVID-19, and opinions on higher education factors.  Implications are also discussed to include a deeper understanding of Students of Promise needs, social mobility, and advising.  This study shows that Students of Promise continue to need academic resources but also ways to lower stress levels and to afford college.

Author Biographies

  • Tameka Womack, Kennesaw State University, USA

    TAMEKA WOMACK, PhD is a higher education administrator whose work is focused on contextualizing student success.  Her research is rooted in career efficacy and academic success for students with various experiences and backgrounds.  She has numerous publications focused on creating multi-user virtual learning environments in classrooms, as well as a focus on student success practices.  Dr. Womack earned both Chemical and Packaging Engineering degrees from Rutgers University in 2002. In 2004 she received her Master’s in Business Administration from Delaware State University.  Dr. Womack also earned a Master’s in Transportation and Logistics from North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University in 2008 and a Ph.D. from Old Dominion University in 2014. She is the 2013 finalist for the United States Professor of the Year Award, which was sponsored by the U.S. Congress and the Carnegie Foundation. Email: twomac20@kennesaw.edu.

  • Kim Bullington, Old Dominion University, USA

    KIM E. BULLINGTON, PhD, works in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology at Old Dominion University. She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Educational Foundations and Leadership Department at Old Dominion. Her research centers on student pathways to and through graduation and student success. Email: kbulling@odu.edu.

  • Pietro A. Sasso, Stephen F. Austin State University, USA

    PIETRO A. SASSO, PhD, is a faculty member in educational leadership at Stephen F. Austin State University. His research focuses on the college experience, student success, and educational equity. Email: Pietro.Sasso@sfasu.edu


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How to Cite

A Descriptive Quantitative Exploration of College Students of Promise During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2023). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v7i1.4591