Unheard Voices: Transformative Workplace Learning and Support Experiences of Racialized Migrant Women English Instructors in Ontario Higher Education in Canada


  • Justine Jun University of Toronto, Canada




Migrant English Instructors, Higher Education, Women Instructors, Workplace Learning, Workplace Support


Racialized migrant women English instructors in higher education have been an underrepresented minority group of teaching professionals in Ontario, Canada. This study investigates highly experienced racialized migrant instructors’ workplace learning and support experiences. It aims to reveal how transformative their professional learning experiences are and how transformative their workplaces are in including them as newcomer community members. This article provides the literature review to demonstrate why this study was necessary and preliminary findings answering two research questions to display how equitable and inclusive Ontario higher education workplaces are to these understudied teaching professionals in Ontario. The study findings suggest that online professional communities can create a learning and development space for them by serving their unfulfilled needs in the workplace.

Author Biography

  • Justine Jun, University of Toronto, Canada

    JUSTINE JUN, PhD Candidate at OISE (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), University of Toronto, is an English teacher educator and ESL/EAP instructor with long years of teaching experience in higher education in multiple countries. Her teaching, managing, and working experiences with migrant English instructors in Toronto led her to research on their workplace experiences. Her major research interests lie in the areas of English teacher education and support, intercultural and multicultural learning, English instructors’ ongoing professional development, and higher education research.  Email: justine.jun@mail.utoronto.ca


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How to Cite

Unheard Voices: Transformative Workplace Learning and Support Experiences of Racialized Migrant Women English Instructors in Ontario Higher Education in Canada. (2022). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v6i1.4465