The Academic Success of African American Males at a Maryland Community College


  • Joel Bratton Morgan State University



African American males, community college, academic success


The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine the perception of African American males participating in one 4A program at a Mid-Atlantic community college. Twenty African American males, along with six staff members were selected to participate in the study. The study used focus groups to investigate students’ interactions with academic advisors and counselors and the impact of those interactions on students’ academic success. The nigrescence theory of evolving cultural identity served as the framework, as it emphasizes the role and impact of cultural identity as a driver for successful academic performance (Cross, 1991). The study revealed that these African American males had positive perceptions of their experiences in the program and with their mentors, advisors, and counselors.

Author Biography

  • Joel Bratton, Morgan State University

    JOEL BRATTON, Dr. Joel Bratton Jr., is an Educational Specialist II for Baltimore City Public Schools. Joel’s research focuses on Urban Education and the Achievement Gap. African American Male student success in K-12 and achievement gap in the community college, particularly social, psychological, academic, environmental and institutional. Dr. Bratton is the Founder and CEO of Projecthope Educational Consultants LLC; which provides educational services to school district throughout the country.







How to Cite

The Academic Success of African American Males at a Maryland Community College. (2018). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 2(1), 44-72.