Perceptions of Microaggressions and Color-Blind Racial Attitudes among College Students


  • Brea Banks Illinois State University, USA
  • Alexandra Horton Illinois State University, USA



microaggression, color-blind racial attitudes, higher education


We examined the relation between color-blind racial attitudes (i.e., the perspective that race should not and does not matter; Neville et al., 2007) and perceptions of microaggressions (i.e., identity-based insults) among students at Predominantly White Institutions, as the literature suggests that experiences with these transgressions may be heightened for Students of Color attending these universities. After completing survey items and being exposed to several vignettes, participants were asked to rate the degree to which they found the scenarios offensive or problematic. Results of the study suggest that individuals who hold stronger color-blind racial attitudes are less likely to perceive microaggressive situations as offensive. Implications for addressing microaggressions, particularly among white students in higher education holding color-blind attitudes are addressed.

Author Biographies

  • Brea Banks, Illinois State University, USA

    BREA M. BANKS is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Illinois State University and is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of Illinois. She is primarily interested in examining the microaggressive experiences of students in schools.  Email: Twitter: @DocBanks4

  • Alexandra Horton, Illinois State University, USA

    ALEXANDRA V. HORTON is a Ph.D. candidate in School Psychology at Illinois State University who is currently completing her predoctoral internship. Alexandra’s work focuses on microaggressions and color- and gender-blind attitudes in STEAM fields and education. Email: Twitter: @AVHorton



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How to Cite

Perceptions of Microaggressions and Color-Blind Racial Attitudes among College Students. (2022). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 6(1).