Every Family Succeeds: The Contrast between Title I and Non-Title I Schools in Terms of Limited-English Proficient Parents’ Engagement Experiences in their Children’s Education


  • Naglaa Mohamed University of Toledo, USA




qualitative study; limited-English proficient (LEP); engagement experiences; urban public schools; the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA); Title I schools; non-Title I schools


This qualitative phenomenological study aimed to compare the engagement experiences of Limited-English Proficient (LEP) parents in urban public schools receiving Title I funds under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 with those in non-Title I schools within the same school district in the Midwestern US. Data were analyzed thematically and comparatively to explore the experiences of the participants. A major theme of LEP parents’ lack of engagement in their children’s education was revealed in non-Title I schools versus those in Title I schools. The study calls for a schemed federal monitoring process and a restructuring to schools’ funding allocation in order to uphold LEP parents’ civil rights and ensure the fulfillment of their needs as a matter of social justice.

Author Biography

  • Naglaa Mohamed, University of Toledo, USA

    NAGLAA MOHAMED, PhD, is an independent scholar in Ohio, who has an earned doctorate in special education and advocates for special education students and for social justice for minority students. Email: advocate4me@protonmail.com.


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How to Cite

Every Family Succeeds: The Contrast between Title I and Non-Title I Schools in Terms of Limited-English Proficient Parents’ Engagement Experiences in their Children’s Education . (2022). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v6i2.4164