

  • Natasha Ramsay-Jordan University of West Georgia, USA
  • Andrea Smith University of West Georgia, USA





Author Biographies

  • Natasha Ramsay-Jordan, University of West Georgia, USA

    NATASHA RAMSAY-JORDAN, EdD, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education, University of West Georgia.  Her primary research interests focus on the intersection of educational policies and urban education for diverse student learners, teacher quality and professional development; culturally and historically relevant and responsive pedagogy; issues of equity in education; STEM equity, and development grades K-12; and the role of culture in mathematics education and development.  Email: nrjordan@westga.edu

  • Andrea Smith, University of West Georgia, USA

    ANDREA SMITH, EdD, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education, University of West Georgia.  Her primary research interests focus on the intersectionality of race and class in education, teacher education, culturally responsive pedagogy, and educational equity. Her scholarship examines these issues by illuminating the voices of youth and adults who have been historically marginalized in schools and society. Email: andreas@westga.edu




How to Cite

Editorial . (2021). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 5(SI). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v5iSI.3653