Examining the Relationship Between HBCU Faculty Online Education, Innovativeness and Attitudes Toward Computers


  • Valerie Riggs Morgan State University, USA
  • Krishna Bista Morgan State University, USA
  • Christian Anderson Morgan State University, USA




online teaching, HBCU, attitudes towards computer, higher education, teaching and learning


Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are the most popular institutions of higher educations for minority students in the United States (Bracey, 2017). Online education has drawn attention to HBCUs because of demographic and social shifts, student needs and global conversations in academia. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has pressured faculty to move their courses to online or remote teaching formats. This article examines whether significant relationships exist among the variables: levels of innovativeness, attitudes toward online education, attitudes toward computers, and various demographic characteristics of full-time and part time faculty members employed at one HBCU. Based on 110 participants in this study, results indicated a significant relationship between Rogers' (2003) innovation of online teaching and faculty attitude toward computers.

Author Biographies

  • Valerie Riggs, Morgan State University, USA

    VALERIE RIGGS, EdD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Professional Development at Morgan State University. Email: valierie.riggs@morgan.edu

  • Krishna Bista, Morgan State University, USA

    KRISHNA BISTA, EdD, is a Professor in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy at Morgan State University. He is Vice President of the STAR Scholars Network. Dr. Bista has published more than 60 papers in professional journals and ten books on a wide range of topics related to college access and success, international faculty issues, and global student mobility. Dr. Bista’s recent books include Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education During Covid -19 (w/ Chan & Allen; Routledge); International Students at US Community Colleges (w/ Malveaux; Routledge); and Inequalities in Study Abroad and Student Mobility (w/ Kommers; Routledge). Dr. Bista is the Founding Editor of the Journal of International Students, a quarterly publication on international higher education; and the Founding Chair of CIES- Study Abroad and International Students SIG. Email: Krishna.bista@morgan.edu

  • Christian Anderson, Morgan State University, USA

    CHRISTIAN ANDERSON, EdD is an assistant professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Professional Development at Morgan State University. Email: Christian.anderson@morgan.edu




How to Cite

Examining the Relationship Between HBCU Faculty Online Education, Innovativeness and Attitudes Toward Computers. (2021). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.32674/jump.v5i2.2759