Relevant and current issues faced by American institutions of higher education as they attempt to design and implement affirmative action plans vis-à-vis admissions and faculty/staff hiring policies and practices


  • Angel Wazin Morgan State University



affirmative action, diversity, reversed discrimination, climate, Inequality


This article provides an overview of opposing perspectives on affirmative action and makes a case for affirmative action on the grounds of diversity and from the perspective of a necessity to remedy past discrimination (Hasnas, 2018; Wright & Garces, 2018; Kaplin & Lee, 2013).  My argument employs Hurtado, Milem, Clayton-Pedersen, and Allen’s (2010) four (4) dimensions of educational programs and practices needed in assessing diversity in the institution: historical legacy of inclusion/exclusion of racial/ethnic groups;  structural diversity regarding numerical representation ; the psychological climate of perceptions and attitudes ; and the behavioral climate dimension. Additionally, because the expressed consideration of race and gender in admissions and hiring processes have legal implications, I provide legal guidelines and precedents to mitigate litigation. 

Author Biography

  • Angel Wazin, Morgan State University

    ANGEL WAZIN is a PhD candidate in the Higher Education Administration Program at Morgan State University. She works as a graduate assistant and support staff in the Office for Academic Affairs. Her research interest is in the areas of social justice, race, and gender. Contact her at




How to Cite

Relevant and current issues faced by American institutions of higher education as they attempt to design and implement affirmative action plans vis-à-vis admissions and faculty/staff hiring policies and practices. (2020). Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 3(2), 66-98.