About the Journal

The American Journal of Medicine and Health Studies publishes original research that significantly contributes to the prevention of severe, long-lasting diseases and the advancement of individual and community health. It covers areas such as prevention and infectious diseases, addiction medicine, behavioral health, community health, COVID-19, critical care medicine, environmental health, family medicine, mental health, public health, respiratory medicine, and more. It aims to bridge the gap between research findings and the application of those findings in clinical and public health practices, fostering the improvement of health outcomes on a global scale.

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STAR Scholars is targeted at publishing the most influential research to a multidisciplinary audience:

  • High Ranking: Rigorous peer review in a top-ranked publication venues
  • Worldwide representation: More than 1500 scholars based in 45+ countries have responded to the STAR journals. 
  • Online First Publishing: We aim to provide initial decisions within 90 days from new manuscript submission and publish accepted manuscripts within 100 days after acceptance.
  • Global exposure: The combination of ranking, open-access, and indexing in all major academic databases increases the discoverability and citation of your work.

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