The Relationships Between State Community College Governance Centralization and Local Appropriations


  • Lindsey Hammond University of Georgia
  • Sean Baser Institute of Higher Education - University of Georgia
  • Alexander Cassell Pennsylvania State University



Community Colleges, Governance, Governing Boards, Finance, Local Appropriations, Educational Policy


This two-way, fixed effects analysis examines the relationship between local appropriations and community college state governance structures while examining governance’s moderating impact on state-level factors. We find that any type of state-level organization for community colleges does not impact local appropriations, and that in states with no formal coordinating authority, local appropriations are likely to be higher. Further, the absence of a state-level board, even one that includes four-year, primary, or secondary education, moderates the relationship between unemployment and appropriations. This relationship suggests that in states without a state-level board for community colleges, local governments invest in and leverage their community colleges in times of economic decline. 


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How to Cite

The Relationships Between State Community College Governance Centralization and Local Appropriations. (2020). Higher Education Politics and Economics, 6(1), 20-38.