The 2017 Trump Administration travel ban and international graduate applications at two Texas public universities


  • Dana Van De Walker Sam Houston State University
  • John R. Slate Sam Houston State University



international students, Muslim students, government policy, Trump administration, travel ban


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the Trump administration ban on individuals from 7 Muslim-majority countries (i.e., Executive Order 13769), influenced prospective international graduate applicants to two Texas institutions. Inferential statistical procedures revealed the presence of a statistically significant, sharp decline in international graduate applicants, particularly from Muslim-majority countries. From Fall 2016 to Fall 2018, international graduate applicants from non-Muslim-majority countries declined 18.36%. Over this same time period,  applicants from Muslim-majority countries declined 33.37%. Most notably, applicants from the 7 countries targeted in the travel ban declined 53.93%. Concerns clearly exist regarding the effects of this travel ban on international student mobility. Implications of these findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.  


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Research Papers

How to Cite

The 2017 Trump Administration travel ban and international graduate applications at two Texas public universities. (2019). Higher Education Politics and Economics, 5(1), 1-14.