Journal of International Students <p><em>Journal of International Students</em> (JIS) is a Scopus-ranked (Q1) quarterly peer-reviewed <strong>publication on international education</strong> (Print ISSN 2162-3104 &amp; Online ISSN 2166-3750). As an independent multilingual journal based in Baltimore, Maryland (USA), we aim to actively speak to the most consequential conversations in international and global education. </p> en <p>All published articles are licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License</a>.</p> (Editorial Team) (If you experience login issues, we recommend clearing your browser's cache and history then trying to login again. Email us for any technical issues or to reset your password.) Sat, 13 Jul 2024 01:53:12 +0000 Open Journal Systems 60 Psychological factors associated with Chinese international students' well-being in the United States <p style="font-weight: 400;">Chinese international students’ well-being is an important part to notice with the rapid number of Chinese international students in the U.S and the increasing number of depressions in college. This article systematically reviews support for the diverse psychological factors related to Chinese international students in the U.S. with mental health problems. A systematic review of articles using analytical method were conducted followed PRISMA guideline. 1600 studies were initially reviewed from EBSCO, ProQuest, etc. After examining inclusive and exclusive criteria, 30 studies were included in the full review.19 psychological factors associated with Chinese international students’ well-being were found and the positive or negative relationships between the factors were presented. Result showed social support is positively associated with CIS's well-being and is correlated with acculturative adjustment for improving psychological well-being. This research revealed the importance of considering culture psychology in mental health professions, such as acculturation, language issues, and social support.&nbsp;</p> Zizhuo Yin, Lee Za Ong, Ming Qiao Research Articles (English) East Asia North America Chinese international student psychological well-being mental health systematic review Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Disagreeing with your professor: Exploring Chinese and American graduate students’ intercultural pragmatic strategies <p>As American universities become increasingly diverse, students often encounter cross-cultural challenges. Chinese students represent one of the most substantial international U.S. student communities, with distinctive pragmatic norms and values. This study investigates Chinese international and American graduate students’ intercultural pragmatic strategies towards a face-threatening critical incident: expressing disagreement to a professor. Our mixed-methods design revealed quantitative and qualitative differences in participants’ strategies and judgments of alternatives, demonstrating distinctive underlying norms and values. Many American participants preferred to express different opinions in class, while Chinese students privileged more indirect options, though each group included participants with alternate preferences. Implications for cross-cultural communication and pedagogy are offered.</p> Chencen Cai, Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, Timothy John Ebsworth Research Articles (English) North America intercultural awareness and competence intercultural pragmatics cross-cultural communication critical incidents Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Fri, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluating the Impact of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on International Postgraduate Science Education Programs <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This paper aims to assess the impact of the reciprocal teaching strategy on the academic performance of student-teachers enrolled in the Higher </em>Professional Diploma (HDE) program at Ajman University, United Arab Emirates. The study adopts a quasi-experimental design, employing pre- and post-tests and a control-experimental group configuration. The sample comprises 80 student-teachers selected from Ajman University during the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023. An academic achievement test in a multiple-choice format serves as the research instrument. The study's outcomes reveal noteworthy differences, indicating significant mean variations in the post-test scores between the experimental and control groups, favoring the control group in the context of the Reciprocal Teaching strategy. These results hold implications for international students, prompting considerations about the transferability and generalizability of teaching strategies across diverse cultural and educational settings. </p> Najeh Rajeh Alsalhi Alsalhi, Abdellateef Abdelhafez Alqawasmi, Bushra Ahmad Alakashee, Sami Al-Qatawneh, Abdalla Falah El-Mneizel, Ali Ahmad Al-Barakat, Samih Mahmoud Al-karasneh Research Articles (English) teaching methods international students higher education professional Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Qualitative Exploration of Challenges for International Students Enrolled in Health Professional Education Degrees in Australia <p style="font-weight: 400;">This qualitative study reports on the experiences of international students enrolled in a Health Professional Education program at a large Australia university. International students have long contributed to Australia’s economy. However, the sustainability of international students’ contributions to Australia’s economy is questionable. Challenges for international students have been widely reported in Australia. Students enrolled in Health Professional Education having unique challenges of their own. In total, 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2020 and the data were thematically analysed. The findings uncovered numerous challenges for international students and those unique to international students enrolled in health- related degrees. Although all identified challenges may not be feasible to address, this study highlights recommendations for strategies that could be implemented by universities and policy makers to reduce challenges and to enhance graduate outcomes for this student population.</p> Scott William, Kath Peters, Iman Hegazi Research Articles (English) international students health professional education accultruation wellbeing student experiences Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Motivation and experiences of studying creative arts therapy among Chinese doctoral students in South Korea <p>Chinese students accounted for 40.4% of international students in South Korea in 2022. Universities in China require doctoral degrees to teach art. Creative arts therapy has increasingly gained attention. This study investigated the experiences of six Chinese students in a study abroad program for creative arts therapy in South Korea. We gathered data from visual artworks and interviews. The analysis yielded six themes: No doctoral degree, no job position for art educators in university, China; Expectations for the development of CAT in China; Despite majoring in art, CAT is a new discipline; Study abroad while unprepared in terms of language ability; Wanting to escape due to academic pressure; Motivation to continue studying abroad. Findings revealed that psychological and emotional support programs would help international students across different nationalities and cultures. Students’ study abroad experience and how it contributes to their lives beyond obtaining a degree requires further consideration.</p> Ya Nan Mo, Kyung Soon Ko Research Articles (English) East Asia Creative Arts Therapy International Chinese Students Doctoral Study Study Abroad South Korea Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Sat, 20 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Cross-cultural challenges faced by international students <p style="font-weight: 400;">This case study was undertaken in a London-based business school and explores the cross-cultural challenges faced by students who have relocated from India to the UK for one-year postgraduate (PG) business master’s courses. Primary data were collected in two stages: semi-structured interviews, followed by a survey. The paper draws on the literature related to socio-cultural theory. It then reviews the findings of the research as to the cultural challenges the students have faced in the UK, whether in their studies, or their wider social lives. Finally, it integrates these findings into the extant literature and proposes a set of recommendations for consideration by the business school. Some of these may also have relevance for other Higher Education (HE) institutions working with Indian students.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> Marcus Astley Research Articles (English) Europe Teaching methods; Pedagogy; Socio-cultural patterns; Cultural Awareness; Intercultural communication Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Fri, 12 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Acculturation strategies and language attitudes in shaping heritage language proficiency in children of Turkish descent in the United States <div>This study investigates the relationship between acculturation and language attitudes among Turkish immigrant parents and their children's heritage language proficiency, using Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory (Vygotsky, 1978) and Berry's acculturation theory (Berry, 1997). Fifty-two Turkish parents (M age = 38.15, SD age = 4.84) completed questionnaires on acculturation and language attitudes, while their children (M age = 8.23, SD age = 2.18) completed vocabulary tests. Results reveal a positive correlation between parents' separation attitudes and supportive language practices, emphasizing Turkish use at home. Younger children showed higher heritage language proficiency, highlighting the importance of early language acquisition. Active Turkish usage among siblings also positively impacted proficiency, while passive exposure through media did not. These findings suggest that immigrant parents' cultural integration attitudes shape their language management strategies, influencing their children's heritage language retention.</div> Seyma Inan, Yvette R. Harris, George Woodbury Research Articles (English) Cross-Cultural Wellness and Psychological Resilience Immigration Politics, Policy, and Human Rights Immigration, heritage language and culture, bilingualism, Turkish immigrants in the U.S. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 International students' satisfaction perception of administrative services <div> <p class="AbstractText">This study examines the perception of international students regarding their satisfaction with administrative services while studying in Türkiye. Internationalization stands as a pivotal policy within Türkiye's higher education framework. In addition to the services students receive at the academic level, the quality of administrative services significantly influences overall student satisfaction. Understanding student satisfaction with public services from their application process to their departure is crucial for identifying and addressing any existing issues. In this context, a survey was conducted with 250 international students at Bartın University. The results indicated general satisfaction with administrative services among participants, with notable variations in responses based on gender, age, prior experiences with administrative issues, and the presence of close relatives or acquaintances in Türkiye. In addition, interviews revealed that the primary causes of administrative difficulties stem from language barriers, procedural complexities in documentation, and associated costs.</p> </div> Leyla ciftci, M. Kemal Öktem Research Articles (English) Middle East and North Africa International students student satisfaction Turkey non-academic services Administrative services higher education Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural vulnerability and social integration of F-2 visa holders in the United States <p>Previous studies on spouses of international students do not explore how F-2 visa regulations preventing them from working and becoming full-time students affect their social integration and building social networks. This ethnographic research about 16 formerly employed female spouses of international students in Central University<a href="applewebdata://2ED8512A-8931-45E3-B1C2-C8722370BC58#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"><strong>[1]</strong></a> aims to fill this gap, inspired by Holmes's Structural Vulnerability concept (2011), which suggests shifting attention from immigrants themselves to structural powers in order to detect what endangers immigrants’ well-being. Through a multimethod approach, this article shows that F-2 visa regulations limit social integration and building social networks of the participants due to their F-2 visa regulations, and consequently affect their self-esteem, mental health, loneliness, and family relationships of the participants, despite the Central University and related/local offices efforts in integrating them in the society. </p> <p> </p> Fatemeh Bakhshalizdeh Research Articles (English) North America Immigration Politics, Policy, and Human Rights Transnational Lives, Employment, and Careers immigration policy social integration structural vulnerability social isolation F-2 visa women Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Navigating the grey area <p style="font-weight: 400;">International college students (ICS) in the United States (US) face challenges reporting and accessing services in cases of sexual harassment because they are not aware of the US laws that prohibit sexual violence. This lack of awareness along with cultural barriers may influence the odds of help-seeking among ICS in the US who experience sexual harassment. Minimal research to date has captured ICS’ knowledge and perceptions of Title IX regulations in the US which protects people from discrimination based on sex and gender in educational programs. Our study examined ICS’ knowledge and perceptions of Title IX through in-depth discussions with 13 ICS at a US university. Overall, ICS were not well-informed about Title IX and encouraged colleges to unpack the legal nature of Title IX for ICS who may not have encountered something similar to Title IX as it is “uniquely American.” Practical implications for improving campus resources are discussed.</p> Lindsay Smith, Pallie Swartz, Yasemin Irvin-Erickson Research Articles (English) North America sexual harassment sexual abuse Title IX college university reporting international students Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Systematic Review of Global Research on Acculturation of International Students (2003-2023) <p>Aim: This paper presents a scientometric review of global articles regarding acculturation of international students (AoIS), published from 2003 to 2023 and indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), to provide a quantifiable snapshot of the field. Methodology: Bibliographic information was extracted from WoSCC. Refined data were visualized using CiteSpace. Conclusion: Worldwide publications have been increasing continuously since 2013, with a staged development among relevant disciplines. Limited collaborations have been found among countries, institutions, and posting authors, however a gradual trend toward transnational teamwork has been emerging. Research foci mainly concentrate on macro factors of acculturation. Research gaps have also been revealed, as hotspots in recent pedagogical research field have not been adopted in studies of AoIS.</p> Zhao Zhao, Madhubala Bava Harji Research Articles (English) East Asia Acculturation International Students Cultural Adaption Acculturative Experience Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Sun, 12 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Asian International Students’ Barriers to Reporting Sexual Harassment Incidents <div> <div> <p class="Keywords">Asian international students continue to suffer from sexually harassing behaviors on college campuses. However, there has been little to no reporting of the incidents that cause their distress. Drawing on narratives of Asian international students in a predominantly white institution, the current study examines the barriers that these students face while reporting a case formally to the institutional representatives. The findings suggest that the severity of the case, lack of departmental support, fear of retaliation and peer relationship are among the major factors that hinder them from making a formal report. Implications of this study lie in informing the institutional policies and departmental practices to design more inclusive environment for the international students.</p> </div> </div> Semonti Dey Research Articles (English) Central and South Asia North America sexual harassment Asian international students women institutional resources sexual harassment reporting higher education Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Social and Cultural Barriers Reported by STEM International Graduate Students of Color <p>This article explores international students’ experiences in their graduate STEM programs at predominantly white US institutions through in-depth qualitative interviews and thematic analysis. International students reported encountering social and cultural barriers with American peers and sometimes even with other international students. These barriers include language, popular cultural, and social norms. Some students, who were less culturally represented in their cohorts, felt isolated but later found other people outside of their departments, often people from their same cultural background. The experiences of our participants varied by the representation of their culture in their departments, where students from less represented countries experienced more isolation. Connections to current acculturation theory will be discussed, as well as further implications and possible solutions for increasing intercultural exchanges.</p> MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ, BRIAN ZAMMARRIPPA ROMAN, MIRNA MOHAMED, RAMON BARTHELEMY Research Articles (English) North America Critical Conversations international students cultural barriers social barries intersectionality STEM education color Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Sun, 21 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Caught in the geopolitical tensions between China and the United States <div> <div> <p class="Keywords">Drawing on the survey data from 259 students enrolled at American universities, the study explores how recent tensions between China and the U.S. and issues of public safety would affect Chinese students’ perceptions and aspirations for American education. The findings of the research identify significant correlations between the effects of U.S. policies regarding Chinese students, concerns about U.S. public safety, and the impact of U.S. foreign policy toward China on Chinese students at American universities. Students’ responses reveal how the pursuit of an American college education remains deeply intertwined with broader societal dynamics and geopolitical realities, which challenge the aspirations of Chinese students for education abroad in an increasingly deglobalizing world.</p> </div> </div> Xin Wang Research Articles (English) East Asia Immigration Politics, Policy, and Human Rights Chinese students American education Covid US-China Relations Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparing the mental health and wellbeing of domestic and international tertiary students <p>University study is a period of psychological vulnerability for many individuals, especially international students, due to challenges of relocation and acculturation. The aim of this meta-analytic review was to synthesize the literature on the mental health outcomes of domestic and international tertiary students. A total of 35 studies were identified via searching four databases. Results showed that among 283,412 participants, very small but non-significant effects were found between domestic and international students on anxiety. Among high-quality studies, international students reported fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress than domestic students. On the other hand, domestic students declared higher wellbeing scores. Despite these mixed findings, many students in the included studies reported poor mental health and wellbeing. Further research examining the mental health and wellbeing of domestic and international students is needed, with particular attention to the underlying needs and stressors that affect each subgroup to develop effective supports and countermeasures.</p> Weiyang Xiong, Marcela Radunz, Kathina Ali , Daniel King, Mike Kyrios, Yufang Zhao, Daniel Fassnacht Research Articles (English) Region East Asia Europe Oceania College student, mental health, wellbeing, meta-analysis, systematic review Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the level and sources of stress among international students in an Iranian university <div> <p class="AbstractText">Student life stress, characterized by mental pressure arising from the university life demands, is a significant concern. We aimed to investigate stressors faced by students and their coping mechanisms within an Iranian university. Using a cross-sectional design in 2021, we selected 165 international students through simple random sampling. Data were collected using a standardized student life stress questionnaire. The mean score of students' stresses was (63 ± 17), with self-imposed stress being the most prevalent stressor (64%), while conflict was the least prevalent (44%). When examining students' reactions to stressors, the mean score was (64 ± 21), with cognitive reactions being the most common response (68%) whereas behavioral reactions were the least common (38%). There was no significant relationship between students' stress levels and their demographic characteristics. Overall, our study highlights the need for culturally sensitive and tailored support programs for international students, as most participants experienced moderate stress.</p> </div> Maryam Tajvar, Omolbanin Atashbahar, Elahe Ahmadizadeh, Iyad Shaqura Research Articles (English) Middle East and North Africa Life stress, International students, Higher education, Iran. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the experiences of queer international students accessing mental health support in Victoria, Australia <p class="p1">International students (IS) generate significant revenue in Australia, bringing diversity, but also distinctive needs and values. IS experience unique mental health challenges and their unmet support needs have recently received public and academic attention, notably during the COVID-19 pandemic. A small number of existing Australian studies have examined IS mental health experiences, focusing on their individual behaviours and attitudes towards help seeking. However, framing IS as<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp; </span>homogeneous misses important variations within this population. This study therefore explores the experiences of a diverse IS subgroup - queer international students (QIS), and the barriers and facilitators that influence how they seek and gain mental health support. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six QIS studying in Victoria. Results show that the persistent impacts of broader socio-cultural factors and systemic gaps act as barriers for QIS to access support, while awareness of intersectionality is critical in providing appropriate professional assistance to QIS.&nbsp;</p> Xin Hu, Catherine Flynn Research Articles (English) Region Central and South Asia Oceania LGBTIQA mental health intersectionality support international students migration Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Resilience of international students during a global pandemic <p>The COVID-19 pandemic posed additional challenges for international students in Australia, affecting their academic, social, and personal wellbeing. In this article, we examine how international students in North Queensland (NQ) responded to these challenges and their resilience coping mechanisms. Using a mixed methods approach, we collected and analysed data from students who reported significant isolation, loneliness, financial and mental health challenges. Our findings showed that international students utilise different resilience strategies to adapt, cope and survive during times of crisis. In light of the challenges and opportunities that international students face in their academic journey, we argue that higher education institutions have a responsibility to develop and implement effective strategies to foster the resilience of this diverse group of learners. Such a commitment can also contribute to the internationalisation of higher education and international students’ retention, which are important goals for many higher education institutions in the globalised world.</p> Hyacinth Udah, Kathomi Gatwiri , Abraham Francis Research Articles (English) Region Oceania Australia, coping strategies, international students and internationalisation, pandemic, resilience, mental health, and wellbeing Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Beneficios de los programas de prácticas ERASMUS + en jóvenes de poblaciones rurales que cursan formación profesional <p class="p1"><em>El programa Erasmus nace a finales de los años 80 como una propuesta de</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>intercambio vital, de ocio, laboral y formativo entre estudiantes europeos. A</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>través de este artículo, se analiza el impacto de las prácticas Erasmus+ en</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>estudiantes españoles de Formación Profesional media y superior tanto en centros</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>nacionales, como en Portugal e Italia</em><span class="s1"><em>. </em></span><em>La metodología que vertebra el presente</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>estudio es mixta. Se han desarrollado instrumentos de recogida de datos</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>cuantitativos (cuestionarios de pretest y postest a estudiantes) y cualitativos. Los</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>resultados muestran que entre las ventajas de la implantación de las FCT</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>(formación en centros de trabajo) dentro del programa Erasmus+ están la alta</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>motivación de los estudiantes, la mejora en los rasgos de su personalidad, aumento</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>de la empleabilidad, la competencia de adaptabilidad y también el aumento de la</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>capacidad de comunicación en otros idiomas.</em></p> Lucía Lomba Portela, Margarita Rosa Pino Juste, Millán Brea Castro Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Educación, Formación Profesional, Erasmus, Evaluación, Inserción laboral. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Acceso de los estudiantes migrantes a la universidad en Chile: Experiencias, desafíos y propuestas <p class="p1"><em>Con base en un </em><em>estudio exploratorio, de corte cualitativo y que aplic. entrevistas semiestructuradas</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>a nueve j.venes provenientes de Am.rica Latina y el Caribe</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>actualmente residentes en Chile, describe varias experiencias de j.venes</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>migrantes en torno al acceso a la universidad. Los resultados muestran que el</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>principal desaf.o que han enfrentado es financiar los altos costos asociados a</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>cursar estudios universitarios en Chile. Los extensos per.odos de espera – de hasta</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>3 a.os – para obtener el visado de la residencia definitiva, les dificulta o</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>imposibilita acceder a las ayudas estudiantiles que la pol.tica p.blica ha dispuesto.</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>Una segunda problem.tica dice relaci.n con el escaso acceso a informaci.n por</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>parte de estos j.venes, para postular a la carrera, la universidad y los beneficios</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>disponibles. Las recomendaciones apuntan a subsanar dichos problemas.</em></p> Andrea Riedemann, Iskra Pavez, Mauricio Rifo Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Jóvenes migrantes, Chile, universidad, financiamiento, visas Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Universidades periféricas y sus prácticas de internacionalización <p class="p1"><em>Este estudio tiene dos objetivos. Por un lado, pretende desarrollar una nueva</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>clasificaci.n y caracterizaci.n de las universidades perif.ricas o remotas. Por otro</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>lado, busca identificar las pr.cticas de internacionalizaci.n llevadas a cabo en</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>estas instituciones. La periferia no est. dada por la posici.n geogr.fica de las</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>instituciones, sino por una serie de variables multidimensionales que posicionan</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>a las instituciones de educaci.n superior en lugares distantes del centro</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>imaginario. Un gran porcentaje de las instituciones de educaci.n superior chilenas</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>se ubican en distintos grados de periferia. La importancia de este estudio radica</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>en que analiza las pr.cticas de internacionalizaci.n de instituciones que se</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>encuentran en los m.rgenes del conocimiento y del inter.s general.</em></p> Paulina Latorre, Daniela Crăciun Multilingual Articles (Non-English) internacionalización, periferia, universidades, educación superior, Chile Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Inclusión de jóvenes migrantes haitianos en la educación superior en Baja California <p class="p1"><em>El objetivo de este artículo es documentar las acciones de inserción de jóvenes</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>migrantes haitianos en el estado de Baja California, México, en las Instituciones</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>de Educación Superior (IES). Utilizando el método cualitativo se definen tres</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>indicadores para el establecimiento de líneas de acción dirigidas a una inserción</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>óptima de los estudiantes migrantes en las IES en Baja California. Se realizan</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>entrevistas semiestructuradas a jóvenes haitianos que se encuentran cursando</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>una licenciatura o posgrado en las ciudades de Tijuana y Mexicali. Se constatan</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>algunos elementos propios de la estructura interna de la IES que favorecen una</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>integración parcial de estos colectivos a pesar de no haber sido pensados para</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>ello. No obstante, no se evidencia que exista algo más que una integración parcial</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>que haya avanzado hacia una inclusión, y que vaya de la mano de una estructura</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>interna que favorezca un enfoque de educación multicultural.</em></p> Kenia María Ramírez Meda, Adriana Teresa Moreno-Gutiérrez Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Inclusión, Instituciones de Educación Superior, migrantes, Haití, Baja California. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Becas Internacionales desde la Teoría del Capital Humano y el Enfoque de las Capacidades Humanas <p>Las becas internacionales de posgrados financiadas por gobiernos constituyen una estrategia importante para la internacionalización de la educación superior en América Latina. Estos programas varían en justificación, diseño, enfoque y resultados, por lo que es difícil definirlos y medir su impacto. Sin embargo, su impacto positivo en la vida de los participantes y en su desarrollo académico y profesional es innegable. La Teoría del Capital Humano (TCH) y el Enfoque de las Capacidades Humanas (ECH) enmarcan esta reflexión. Esta reflexión explora la justificación de la implementación de las becas internacionales, así como el proceso de aplicación y mi experiencia en el extranjero. Reconozco la importancia de la TCH y sus limitaciones, así como la forma en que el ECH puede complementar la TCH. A través del ECH, reflexiono sobre cómo alcancé mis objetivos y los factores contextuales que me permiten tomar decisiones que contribuyen a mi desarrollo y al de mi país.</p> Jessica Amarilla Villalba Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Becas internacionales, capacidades, Latinoamérica Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prácticas intensivas de estudiantes de Educación social en la Amazonia Peruana <p>Se trata de una reflexión a partir del relato de la experiencia de inmersión cultural de un grupo de estudiantes españoles del grado universitario de Educación social en la Amazonia peruana. Durante un mes, un grupo formado por seis estudiantes y un profesor conviven con una comunidad nativa del pueblo Harakbut, participando activamente en la vida de la comunidad y compartiendo sus actividades habituales. Conlleva una experiencia de inmersión cultural y de aprendizaje experiencial. A partir del relato elaborado por los alumnos en la evaluación posterior a la realización de las prácticas, se han extraído diferentes categorías que provocan reflexiones muy significativas. Las conclusiones versan sobre el valor de las prácticas de inmersión como metodología de aprendizaje cualitativo y aumento de las competencias interculturales. La redefinición del rol docente que se enriquece con la convivencia y la presencia en espacios de vida cotidiana, facilitando la transmisión de conocimientos al alumnado.</p> Manuel Tarín Cayuela Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Aprendizaje experiencial, Inmersión cultural, Competencia intercultural, Educación social, Prácticas internacionales Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 El debate académico como actividad extracurricular para la internacionalización en casa <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; La internacionalización de la educación superior es un concepto amplio y complejo que trasciende la movilidad estudiantil. Este artículo presenta las reflexiones de tres coordinadores internacionales de titulación de universidades españolas sobre cómo las actividades extracurriculares (AEC), como el debate, complementan el contexto académico con trabajo colaborativo y se convierten en herramientas efectivas de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la internacionalización en casa y para la integración del estudiante de intercambio en la vida universitaria. Por un lado, se pondrán en valor los efectos positivos del debate académico, como una de las AEC más representativas, y sus efectos en la integración y adaptación del alumno extranjero en la vida universitaria de destino. Por otro lado, se analizará cómo los alumnos de la universidad local adquieren una experiencia internacional sin salir la zona de confort que les presenta su entorno universitario.</p> Maria Escrivà-Beltran, M. Rosa Currás Móstoles, Alberto D. Arrufat Cárdava Multilingual Articles (Non-English) internacionalización, educación superior, internacionalización en casa, actividades extracurriculares Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 La movilidad virtual en la educación superior de habla hispana <p>En este artículo incluimos una reflexión sobre el desarrollo estratégico de los Collaborative on-line international learning (COIL) entre instituciones de educación superior de comunidad iberoamericana de habla española. La importancia geográfica de la comunidad iberoamericana y el peso del español en el mundo no se corresponde con su peso en la movilidad internacional. En este escenario, la digitalización de la educación superior ofrece herramientas para el desarrollo de nuevos formatos de movilidad: la movilidad a distancia. Nuestro objetivo es analizar el potencial del aprendizaje colaborativo como herramienta de internacionalización que permite (i) abordar la inclusión en los programas de movilidad: (ii) promover la movilidad internacional entre los países de la comunidad iberoamericana de habla hispana, así como (iii) contribuir a incrementar el peso del español en el ámbito de la movilidad internacional.</p> Eva Alcón Soler, Eva Camacho Cuena, Joan Martin Montaner Multilingual Articles (Non-English) movilidad virtual, COIL, internacionalización, educación superior, digitalización, comunidad iberoamericana. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 La Potencialidad de la Educación STEAM Integrada y el Papel del Arte para la Internacionalización de la Formación Docente <p>La Educación Superior representa hoy un escenario cada vez más multicultural, a su vez inmerso en una sociedad demasiado individualista y alejada del desarrollo social colectivo. Desde las universidades de habla hispana, nos encontramos así ante una imperante necesidad de potenciar la internacionalización y la inclusión, así como de dotar de significado social a nuestra docencia. En el presente estudio desarrollamos una reflexión que plantea el gran interés de fomentar la implementación de la emergente educación STEAM integrada en la Educación Superior y, especialmente, por su utilidad pedagógica, en aquella dedicada a la formación de futuros docentes. Focalizamos con un particular énfasis el papel de la integración del arte como canalizador de una educación intercultural e inclusiva que permita la creación de sinergias y la búsqueda de un lenguaje común en la Educación Superior y la formación docente.</p> Ignacio Nieto-Miguel, Raquel Sanz-Camarero, Jairo Ortiz-Revilla, Ileana M. Greca Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Educación Superior, formación docente, internacionalización, inclusión, alfabetización social, educación STEAM integrada, arte Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Internacionalización con equidad en instituciones primordialmente hispanas en Estados Unidos <p>Existen más de 400 instituciones de educación superior en Estados Unidos que cuentan con por lo menos 25 por ciento de estudiantes hispanos y el Departamento de Educación las ha designado como <em>Instituciones Primordialmente Hispanas</em> (IPH), o <em>Hispanic Serving Institutions</em> (HSIs). La internacionalización de la educación en IPHs, durante mucho tiempo giró en torno a prácticas como el intercambio académico en el extranjero. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los alumnos no tienen los recursos para abandonar sus empleos y estudiar en otro país. Cuando se añaden las restricciones a la movilidad internacional debido al COVID-19, el número disminuye de manera importante (IIE, 2022). Por ende, las prácticas de internacionalización en casa cobran mayor relevancia para los alumnos hispanos en Estados Unidos. En este artículo, analizamos algunas de las consecuencias que ha tenido la disminución del intercambio académico internacional tradicional.&nbsp;</p> Ana X. de la Serna , Fernando Severino, Miriam Hernandez Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Instituciones primordialmente hispanas, internacionalización, intercambio académico, equidad, internacionalización en casa. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Acercamiento Crítico a las Prácticas de Internacionalización de la Educación Superior Mexicana, Oportunidades No Vistas y Políticas Cortoplacistas <p><em>Este texto presenta una aproximación no experimental, descriptiva sobre la internacionalización de la educación superior en México, mediante una investigación documental. Utiliza los conceptos de internacionalización comprehensiva e internacionalización en casa como marco conceptual. Se encontró que la internacionalización presenta un estado de desarrollo temprano que se centra casi exclusivamente en la movilidad y tanto a nivel institucional como de políticas públicas precisa intervenciones para avanzar hacia el enfoque de internacionalización comprehensiva. Se requieren políticas de estado que desvinculen la internacionalización de los cambios políticos del país y sus rupturas y discontinuidades. Se acentúa la posibilidad de incidir en el conocimiento de la cultura hispanoamericana y mexicana y el desarrollo del conocimiento desde otras epistemologías, así como la contribución a la integración educativa de América Latina.</em></p> Maribel Castañeda Muñoz Multilingual Articles (Non-English) Internacionalización, Educación Superior, México Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Trascendiendo la Transaccionalidad en la Movilidad Estudiantil en los Países de América Latina <p>Las Instituciones de Educación Superior en América Latina han estado inmersas en una dinámica de internacionalización sin precedentes en la última década, especialmente a través de programas y convenios de movilidad estudiantil. Sin embargo, dado el ánimo instrumental en la movilidad estudiantil, esta investigación en contexto realiza una reflexión crítica sobre el “por qué” y el “para qué” de la internacionalización de la educación superior con el objetivo de dotarla de sentido mediante las funciones sustantivas de docencia, investigación y extensión. Para esto, se presenta un caso de estudio para ilustrar cómo una universidad busca trascender la transaccionalidad en la movilidad estudiantil y, en general, cómo asumir la internacionalización en sí misma como un objetivo estratégico que agrega valor a un propósito superior de formar. El artículo también ofrece recomendaciones para las prácticas y desarrollo de políticas en internacionalización, así como para futuras investigaciones.&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Sara Aguilar-Barrientos, Cristina Robledo-Ardila, Isabel C. Montes Multilingual Articles (Non-English) educación superior, movilidad estudiantil, estudiantes internacionales, transaccionalidad, América Latina Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of International Students Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000